About them
This is the start of something, probably.
This is two ordinary people, opening a new business.
Just regular people, like you or me, except they're making very, very good beer. -
Kerry Consedine
is the Boss of the operation.
If you like the way the shop looks, smells, or “feels”, that's down to her.
If you like the concepts and the general style, that's her too.
In fact pretty much everything to do with this company, which isn't the beer? That's Kerry*.
* Kerry would also like some credit for the beer. -
Dean Moses
is the Brewer. After many years of “regular career”, and a very short-lived sideline as an house music producer – we haven't forgotten, Dean – he developed this compulsion for creating his own brews.
This was in 2013, maybe? No-one's sure of the exact time-line. He had a basement set-up and a 30 litre starter kit, and at first we were all like “oh sweet, free beer”. But then he kept going.
From that 30-litre, to a two vessel pot system, to a Grainfather, he just kept going. He was brewing on his own, he was brewing in all these various partnerships... there was a pumpkin beer which exploded all over my kitchen (true story), but apart from that one mishap the beers were coming out better and better. All sorts of beers, varieties we'd never even heard of.
When he got Second Place (i.e. First Loser) at Wellington Brew Day – that was in 2015 or 2016 – that's when people got worried. And then later, when a keg of his beer debuted at Bebemos and sold out in less than two hours – again, we were concerned. It was clearly turning into a thing.
Now, with a premises in the Wellington CBD, and powered by several tons of Chinese steel, we could not stop this man... not even if we wanted to.