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Maximum 6 people per team. If you have more than 6, please book multiple teams and request to sit together.
Your table will be booked from 6pm, please let us know if you require your table earlier than this.
Latest Results
Quiz 4.3.25
Quiz Info
The Mean Quiz happens every Tuesday, and the questions start at 6:30pm. Done and dusted by 9:00pm ‘cos it’s a school night!
Five rounds of 10 questions. Choose one of these as your double round.
One SUPER BONUS round (it’s always round 3). 15 questions, worth double points - so 30 points up for grabs.
One Sequence round, where you must put 5 things in the correct order. 2pts per correct answer.
One Elimination round, where you pick five correct answers from a field of 15 possible answers. 1pt per correct answer.
1st: $75 Bar Tab; 2nd: $30 tab; 3rd: $20 tab. 2nd to last: MYSTERY BOX.
Accumulator: $25 jackpot each week
Nips or Hips: Dave’s version of “Heads or Tails”, be the last one standing to win a treat!
Quiz entry is a koha donation to a worthy cause.
Max 6 per team, please book multiple teams if you have more than 6.
March quiz koha
This month your koha goes to Wellington Help, who support anyone and everyone who has been impacted by sexual violence.
Wellington Help provides safe spaces for survivors in Wellington City, Porirua and Kāpiti to access specialised support. Their services include:
24/7 support line
Call Out Service
Social Work
Justice Support
March Koha: TBC! Contact Quizmaster Dave if you have a suggestion!
Got a worthy cause for our quiz koha? Contact Quizmaster Dave!
Fundraising Quizzes
Interested in holding a fundraiser quiz for your group/club/school/cause? We can help! If needed, we can provide questions, a quizmaster and all the quiz accoutrements. Contact Quizmaster Dave to start organising your fundraising quiz!